Kamis, 29 September 2011

Sistem Pembayaran Eksport

Sistem Pembayaran Ekspor

Adapun sisitem pengiriman yang lazim biasanya dengan mengggunakan peti kemas (kontainer), kargo pesawat dan dalam bentuk curah (bulk) dengan menggunakan mother vessel.
Pengiriman dalam bentuk peti kemas untuk komoditas agrobisnis biasanya antara lain, cengkeh, pala, pinang, cokelat, kopra, gambir, dll. Ukuran peti kemas yang digunakan antara lain 20 feet FCL dan 40 feet FCL ( arti dari FCL adalah Full Container Loading artinya bahwa barang yang dikirimkan berisi penuh 1 kontainer). Sedang pengiriman tidak penuh satu kontainer atau LCL (Less Container Loading) biasanya minyak nilam, minyak daun cengkeh ataupun essential oil lainnya yang disatukan dengan komoditas lainnya dari berbagai supplier atau komoditasnya bisa pula komoditas yang biasanya dikirim satu kontainer penuh yang didalamnya dicampur (mix/consolidation) dengan berbagai komoditas dari supplier yang sama ataupun supplier yang berbeda atau dengan kata lain tergantung dari permintaan dan kesepakatan antara pihak supplier (eksportir) dengan pihak pembeli (importir). Adapula beberapa komoditas yang harus dikirmkan dalam kontainer yang diberi pendingin (reffer) seperti buah dan sayuran.

Sedangkan pengiriman dengan menggunakan kargo dalam pesawat adalah komoditas yang benar-benar mendesak (urgent) atau komoditas yang segar seperti sayur dan buah-buahan, biasanya dalam jumlah yang tidak terlalu besar.
Pengiriman dengan menggunakan mother vessel dalam bentuk curah (bulk) biasanya adalah kopra dengan kapasitas 500 MT s/d 3000 MT sekali angkut, arang tempurung kelapa (shell coconut charcoal) ataupun yang belum menjadi arang (masih dalam bentuk tempurung), minyak kelapa sawit.
Sedangkan sistem pembayaran yang lazim dilakukan dalam transaksi ekspor komoditas agrobisnis adalah sbb:

L/C (Letter of Credit)dimana jenis L/C yang umum digunakan adalah :
  • Irrevocable L/C at sight, dimana Bank Pembuka L/C menyatakan janji yang tidak dapat ditarik kembali untuk membayar atau mengaksep wesel yang diajukan dengan dokumen-dokumen yang sesuai dengan syarat yang tercantum dalam L/C. L/C ini hanya dapat diubah atau dibatalkan hanya dengan persetujuan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. L/C ini memberikan jaminan bagi eksportir akan diterimanya pembayaran tapi tetap tergantung kepada perjanjian dengan Bank Eksportir yang bersangkutan.
  • Transferable L/C, disebut Transferable karena L/C ini dapat dipindahtangankan dari beneficiary asal ke beneficiay lain.L/C ini hanya dapat dipindahtangankan satu kali, dimana beneficiary yang kedua tidak dapat memindahkan kepada benficiary lainnya. Biasanya L/C seperti ini kita dapatkan melalui agent diluar negeri seperti dari Singapore dimana Pihak Singapore mendapatkan L/C dari salah satu pembeli (importir) dan pihak Singapore mengalihkan L/C tersebut kepada eksportir lainnya. Syarat-syarat pengalihan L/C ini haruslah dilakukan sesuai dengan L/C yang pertama, dengan beberapa point yang dapat dirubah antara lain: Nama dan alamat beneficiary pertama dapat menggantikan nama applicant dari L/C (importir) tersebut.
Nilai L/C dan harga satuan dapat dikurangi dalam L/C untuk yang dialihkan agar mendapatkan keuntungan bagi beneficiary pertama.
Masa berlaku L/C dan jangka waktu pengapalan dapat diperpendek.
Setelah itu beneficiary kedua dapat menyerahkan semua dokumen pengapalan dan dokumen lainnya yang disyaratkan dalam L/C kepada advising bank untuk menerima pembayaran, negosiasi atau akseptasi.
Catatan: sebelum pihak pembeli menerbitkan L/C harap pihak penjual menanyakan terlebih dahulu kepada pembeli nama bank yang akan menerbitkan L/C tersebut dan pihak penjual melakukan kordinasi dengan baank eksportir apakah bank importir tersebut qualified atau tidak, hal ini dilakukan semata-mata untuk memberikan rasa aman kepada pihak penjual/eksportir terutama untuk tujuan beberapa negara Asia Selatan dan Afrika.

T/T (Telegraphic Transfer)
Sistem pembayaran ini biasanya dilakukan oleh pembeli (importir) untuk mempercepat pengiriman barang dan menghindari pajak bank dimana dilakukan dengan cara:
Advance by T/T 30% before shipment and balance 70% by T/T after received copy of documents by faxed. Artinya pihak pembeli akan memberikan uang muka sebesar 30% dengan cara transfer dan sisanya sebesar 70% dibayarkan dengan transfer setelah pihak pembeli menerima copian dokumen yang diminta melalui fax. Hal ini biasanya dilakukan oleh pembeli kepada supplier (eksportir) yang sudah dipercaya. Catatan: untuk sistem pembayaran seperti ini diharapkan pihak eksportir tidak mengirimkan dokumen asli ke alamat pembeli sebelum menerima instruksi atatu bukti pelunasan dari pihak pembeli (importir), karena dengan sistem ini dokumen tidak dikirimkan melalui bank (bank to bank), tetapi langsung ke alamat pembeli. Perlu diingat bahwa fungsi dari dokumen asli ini adalah sebagai alat untuk merelease/menebus barang dipelabuhan negara pembeli.

Gabungan antara T/T dan L/C
misalnya payment made by T/T 30% and 70% by L/C artinya bahwa pihak pembeli akan membayar uang muka sebesar 30% dan 70% dengan L/C.

D/P (Documents against Payment)
yang berarti penyerahan dokumen melalui bank eksportir kepada bank importir (bank to bank sama seperti halnya dalam L/C). Eksportir akan menerima pembayaran setelah dokumen ditebus oleh importir. Tetapi sebaiknya eksportir menerima sistem pembayaran ini bila eksportir telah yakin benar akan kredibilitas importir. Untuk mencegah kerugian akibat ingkar pembayaran oleh importir sebaiknya eksportir dapat masuk menjadi anggota ASEI (www.asei.co.id) dimana ASEI ini akan memberikan fasilitas asuransi ekspor apabila 1. Importir bangkrut 2. Importir cidera janji untuk membayar 3. Importir menolak menerima barang.

Prosedur ekspor secara garis besar:
1. Eksportir mengirimkan penawaran (offer sheet) kepada pembeli yang dianggap potensial lengkap dengan data2 spesifikasi, harga, kemasan, kuantitas, photo produk bila diperlukan, kemampuan supply, sistem pembayaran, kondisi penjualan (FOB/CNF/CIF) dll.
Biasanya bila mendapatkan response positif pembeli meminta sample/contoh produk.
2. Bila telah diresponse dengan baik serta segala syarat dan kondisi yang ditawarkan eksportir disepakati termasuk harga maka eksportir mengirimkan Proforma Invoice (PI) kepada pembeli.
3. Pembeli atau importir akan membukakan L/C (Letter of Credit) melalui Bank pembukanya (opening bank) kepada advising/negotiating bank (bank eksportir) di dalam negeri yang kemudian diteruskan (advising) kepada eksportir.
4. Pihak eksportir mempersiapkan barang yang akan dikirimkan segera mungkin sebelum masa berlaku L/C selesai. Bila diperkirakan akan terjadi keterlambatan pengiriman segeralah pihak eksportir memberikan informasi kepada importir untuk mengamandement L/C. Tetapi sebaiknya pengiriman haruslah tepat waktu seperti yang disepakati sebelumnya untuk menjaga performance perusahaan.
Setelah barang siap untuk dikirimkan segeralah menghubungi freight forwarder (jasa/agent pengangkutan), ini dilakukan oleh eksportir untuk kondisi penjualan CNF atau CIF, sedangkan untuk FOB pihak importir sudah menunjuk langsung freight forwardernya di dalam negeri.
5. Barang dikirimkan kepada kepada importir melalui jasa forwarder. Pihak eksportir menerima dokumen dari perusahaan shipping berupa B/L (Bill of Lading). Segeralah menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen lainnya yang disyaratkan dalam L/C tersebut.
6. Setelah semua dokumen lengkap segeralah memasukan ke bank eksportir untuk dinegosiasikan (negotiating) guna penerimaan pembayaran akibat dari ekspor barang.

A. FOB = Free On Board, artinya pihak eksportir hanya bertanggung jawab sampai barang berada di atas kapal (vessel)
B. CNF = Cost and Freight biasa disebut juga CFR, artinya pihak eksportir bertanggung jawab juga terhadap biaya pengiriman sampai pelabuhan negara tujuan.
C. CIF = Cost, Insurance, Freight, artinya CNF + Insurance (Asuransi) ditanggung oleh eksportir.

Dokumen Secara Umum:
1. B/L (Bill of Lading) dikeluarkan oleh maskapai pelayaran (shipping)
2. Certificate of Origin (CO) dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Perdagangan
3. Certificate of Weight and Quality (SGS), dapat juga dikeluarkan oleh Sucofindo ataupun perusahaan lain yang berwenang.
4. Certificate of Fumigation, dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan yang berwenang dalam pengurusan fumigasi.
5. Certificate of Phytosanitary (Karantina), dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Pertanian.
6. Commercial Invoice, dibuat oleh eksportir
7. Packing list, dibuat oleh eksportir.
8.Insurance Certificate (bila CIF), dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan asuransi.
L/C yang dibuka oleh pihak pembeli di luar negeri ditolak karena ada beberapa faktor antara lain: Nama beneficiary (eksportir) atau applicant (importir) tidak lengkap, adanya kesalahan pencantuman-pencantuman syarat dan kondisi dalam L/C tersebut seperti kode HS, dokumen-dokumen yang disyaratkan tidak lengkap dsb. Umumnya sering terjadi karena kurang lengkapnya data-data yang diberikan importir kepada issuing bank (bank pembuka) untuk membuka L/C.
Mengenai asuransi tergantung dari syarat pembayaran/kondisi jualnya apakah pihak importir menginginkan FOB, CNF atau CIF?
Bila kondisi FOB & CNF biasanya pihak importirlah yang menutup asuransi tersebut tetapi bila CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) maka pihak eksportir diwajibkan mengasuransikan produk yang dikirimkan sampai negara tujuan.
Korespondensi/surat menyurat umumnya sekarang dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak melalui email.
1. Memberikan surat penawaran tentang syarat & kondisi (terms and conditions) secara lengkap seperti spesifikasi produk (product specification), harga (price), syarat pembayaran (payment terms), kemasan (packing), kemampuan suplai (supply ability), waktu pengiriman (delivery time) dll.
2.Bila berminat calon pembeli akan merespon surat tsb dan pada tahap ini akan terjadi negosiasi pada syarat & kondisi yg ditawarkan.
3. Setelah terjadi kesepakatan maka pembeli meminta penjual memberikan proforma invoice atau sales contract dimana pembeli akan memberikan sistim pembayaran yg telah disepakati sebelumnya.
TIPS : Untuk lebih meyakinkan calon pembeli agar dalam pengiriman surat penawaran disertakan photo produk & hasil uji lab (bila memungkinkan) dan surat tsb dibuat tdk berlebihan dengan data2 yg sebenarnya.
Sebaiknya sample dapat dikirimkan bila telah terjadi kesepakatan tentang syarat & kondisi yg ditawarkan seperti harga, spesifikasi dan sistim pembayaran.
Untuk menjual barang ke luar negeri tidak diperlukan proposal apapun,cukup dengan surat penawaran yg lengkap dan sebaik mungkin.
maksudnya pembayaran dimuka sebesar 30% dgn Telegraphic Transfer (TT) dan sisanya sebesar 70% dgn TT sebelum barang dikapalkan artinya saudara diharuskan membayar 100% sebelum barang dikapalkan.
TIPS : Untuk menghindari hal2 yg tdk diinginkan bila bpk blm mengenal betul penjualnya,blm mengetahui track recordnya atau baru pertama kali berhubungan dgn penjual tsb sebaiknya hindari sistim pembayaran tsb.
Tawarkanlah sistim pembayaran dgn menggunakan LC at sight. Bila disepakati segera konsultasikan dgn bank anda guna pembukaan LC.
Sistim pembayaran lainnya yg umum dilakukan adalah berupa TT,CAD (Cash Against Documents) atau D/P (Documents Against Payment). Prosedur umumnya sama dgn LC,setelah barang dikapalkan semua dokumen ekspor dimasukan ke bank eksportir (advising bank) untuk diteruskan ke bank importir (issuing bank).
Catatan: Dokumen ekspor jg berfungsi sbg alat untuk menebus/release barang/kontainer di pelabuhan yg bersangkutan.Artinya stlh dokumen diterima bank importir maka importir diminta utk menebus dok tsb dgn melunasi semua pembayarannya.
TIPS : Jangan mengirimkan original dokumen langsung ke alamat importir harus bank to bank kecuali bila pembeli telah melunasi semua pembayarannya.
Dokumen ekspor hasil agribisnis secara umum.
1. B/L (Bill of Lading)
2. Commercial Invoice
3. Packing List
4. Certificate of Origin
5. Certificate of Fumigation
6. Certificate of Phytosanitary
7. Certificate of Analysis (bila diminta pembeli)
8.Certificate of Insurance (bila kondisi penjualan CIF)
1. Cara melakukan ekspor ikan hias (benda hidup) harus menggunakan pesawat dan memiliki perlakuan khusus, untuk hal ini dapat melakukan konsultasi dengan forwarder yang memiliki fasilitas ekspor via udara. Tetapi sebaiknya sdr juga meminta keterangan lebih lanjut kepada buyer tersebut terutama perihal packing/kemasan) yang diminta dan cara pembayaran apakah FOB, CNF atau CIF? karena hal ini merupakan salah satu faktor dalam menentukan besarnya biaya.
2. Proforma Invoice adalah pengikatan antara eksportir dengan importir yang telah terjadi kesepakatan dimana dokumen ini sebagai acuan importir untuk membuka L/C atau oleh importir dapat juga di jadikan untuk mendapatkan ijin ekspor atau ijin devisa dari instansi berwenang di negaranya. Dokumen ini bisa juga disebut dokumen pra ekspor (biasanya tidak disertakan dalam negosiasi dengan bank dalam pencairan L/C).
Bisa jadi pihak buyer ingin proforma invoice dikirim via e-mail agar pada saat sample diterima dan sesuai maka mereka akan segera menempatkan order salah satunya dengan menerbitkan L/C.
Dalam Proforma Invoice umumnya mencantumkan:
- Nomor & Tanggal Proforma Invoice
- Nama eksportir & importir (termasuk alamat dan telp)
- Keterangan barang (spec, asal barang (origin), kemasan dll)
- Jumlah barang pesanan
- Harga
- Sistem pembayaran
- Kondisi penjualan apakah FOB, CNF atau CIF
- Cara pengiriman dengan kontainer via laut atau kargo via udara
- Lamanya pengiriman, misalnya 30 hari setelah penempatan order/pesanan
- Bila pembayaran menggunakan L/C atau TT advance (uang muka dengan cara transfer/telegraphic transfer maka eksportir mencantumkan data banknya, nama bank, no account perusahaan, dan swift code).

Hasil copas dari berbagai sumber ttg Sistem Pembayaran Ekspor.Artikel lainnya:

 How to make payments

There are a number of different payment methods that can be used when you deal with us. Three mostly used are T/T payment in advance, D/P and L/C.

1. T/T payment in advance
2. Letter of credit
3. D/P (document against payment)

1. T/T payment in advance

T/T means telegraphic transfer, or simply wire transfer. It's the simplest and easiest payment method to use.

T/T payment in advance is usually used when the sample and small quantity shipments are transported by air. The reason why is that the documents like air waybill, commercial invoice and packing list will be sent to you along with the shipment by the same plane. As soon as the shipment arrives, you can clear the customs and pick up the goods with the documents. As it's acknowledged, T/T payment in advance presents risk to the importer if the supplier is not an honest one.

For us, T/T advance payment is required for some high-value samples (see our samples ordering policy) and small quantity order shipped by air.

To the customers who have long-standing business relationships with us, we send free samples; and for the small quantity order, document against payment is used.

It takes 3-4 days for us to received the wire transfer made from anywhere in the world.

2. Letter of credit

An irrevocable Letter of Credit is also an often used payment method. It is often referred to an L/C. Letters of Credit are formal payment methods that offer a lot of protection to the parties.

Simply put, a letter of credit is a letter written by the importer's bank to the exporter. It verifies that the payment will be guaranteed when the bank is presented with the concrete documents (bill of lading, and freight documents). Most letters of credit are "irrevocable" once the importer has had them sent.

A letter of credit usually includes applicant (you, the importer), beneficiary (our I/E agent), opening bank, negotiating bank, specification and quantity of the goods, amount of money, loading port and destination port, shipment date, the validity date of the L/C, terms and conditions agreed by both the importer and seller, and the documents required by the importers (bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list, insurance certificate, etc.)

The L/C payment procedure is usually as follows:

a. You (the importer) applies to open the L/C to us (the seller) through a bank who can open the L/C in your country.
b. The opening bank will inform The Bank of China that the L/C has been opened.
c. The Bank of China will inform us that the L/C has been established.
d. We'll check all the terms and conditions listed in the L/C. If all terms and conditions are acceptable, we'll arrange the shipment within the time specified in the L/C.
e. After the goods are loaded onto the ship without any damage, the captain will issue the clean bill of lading to us.
f. We will submit the clean bill of lading and other relevant documents to The Bank of China to gather the payment. Only with clean bill of lading can you claim the ownership of the goods.
g. The Bank of China will send the clean bill of lading and relevant documents to your bank (the opening bank).
h. The opening bank will inform you that all documents are received.
i. You will go to the bank to make the payment to get the clean bill of lading and relevant documents.
j. With all of these documents, you can clear the import Customs and pick up the goods after the goods arrive on the destination sea port.

L/C is used for the larger quantity order shipped by sea.

The typical L/C scenario takes 14-21 days to complete.

3. D/P (document against payment)

The exporter (we) makes shipment and sends the shipping documents to the exporter's bank (the Bank of China) for collection. The Bank of China then sends the shipping documents along with a collection letter to the importer's bank, who then sends a collection notice to the importer. The importer makes payment upon receiving the notice, and only after payment does the importer receive the original shipping documents with which you take the physical possession of the goods.

The major advantage of the use of a cash against documents payment is the low cost, versus using a letter of credit. But, this is offset by the risk that the importer will for some reason reject the documents (or they will not be in order). Since the cargo would already be loaded (to generate the documents), we have little recourse against the importer in cases of non-payment. So, a payment against documents arrangement involves a high level of trust between the exporter and the importer.

To our customers who have long-standing relationships with us, for larger quantity order shipped by sea, we usually make the payment arrangement as 50% made via T/T advance payment and 50% made via D/P to expedite the whole transaction process.

There is no payment method that is perfectly safe to both the importer and supplier at the same time. But, we still have got to do business, right? So, we hold it's crucial to develop a long-term relationship with our customers based on mutual trust.


Share sistem pembayaran impor barang dari luar negeri
(by : prasetyosip 23-10-2010)

Sistem pembayaran yang biasa di tawarkan sama supplier adalah T/T [Telegraphic Transfer] maupun Bank Transfer dalam USD [United State Dollar / US $].

 Di Indonesia untuk T/T bisa memakai  jasa Western Union alias WU
WU ada di berbagai tempat berlogo WU seperti Bank, Pegadaian, Money Changer, juga Supermaket, dll
cari tempat2 yang ada logonya kaya gini:

Sistem WU seperti berikut :
  1. Anda akan di berikan data2 simpel oleh supplier anda seperti nama penerima, dan Alamat Penerima [tujuan kirim] data2 ini jangan sampai salah , lebih baik diketik lalu print, untuk anda berikan ke agen WU
  2. Anda siapkan 1 lembar foto copy Identitas agan misal KTP
  3. Mata uang kita kan Rupiah [IDR], anda tanyakan dahulu Rate Dollar Berapa per 1 USD terhadap IDR, juga biaya kirim USD ke tujuan, pada tempat agen WU tempat anda akan melakukan kirim uang T/T
  4. Setelah semua deal, uang anda akan di proses oleh agen WU, dan anda akan di berikan nota transfer yang terdapat nomor MTCN [Money Transfer Control Number] yang bisa anda infokan ke penerima atau supplier anda.
  5. Proses transfer WU hanya membutuhkan beberapa jam saja

sekarang yang bank transfer
Bank transfer misalkan biasa pake BCA [ga maksud iklanin] sebaiknya anda langsung ke BCA pusat di tempat anda berada atau yang paling besar & bonafid deh, jangan via cabang2 yang kualitas ga jelas, karena bisa saja, malah di cabang ga tau cara transfer ke luar negeri...akhirnya ribet deh [sampe ribut ama supplier karena duitnya yang di terima kurang USD 25 hahaha..juga lama amir sampe 1 minggu, ternyata pihak cabang 1 hari operkan transaksi itu ke BCA pusat, baru besoknya BCA pusat melakukan transfer ke tujuan..jiaahhh].
Pastikan anda telah mendapat info lengkap Rekening tujuan kirim dari supplier anda seperti :
- Nama penerima [Beneficiary Name]
- Alamat penerima [Beneficiary Address] {Address, City, State, Country}
- Nomor Rekening [Beneficiary Account Number]
- Nama Bank [Beneficiary Bank Name]
- Alamat Bank [Beneficiary Bank Address] {Address, City, State, Country}
- Kode Bank [Bank Code/SWIFT Code]

Data2 tersebut juga sebaiknya anda print, lalu berikan ke teller tempat anda melakukan transfer

persiapkan Kartu Identitas [KTP], Materai 6rb, klo bisa rekening BCA sekalian bagi yang punya, uang tunai yang akan di transfer (materai 6r anda bisa bawa dari rumah atau pun beli di teller situ juga, harganya harus tetap gan 6rb yah 6rb, klo lebih mahal berarti teller nya cari untung)
Lalu pastinya juga uang yang harus di persiapkan, baik uang yang akan di trasfer & juga biaya2 transfer, nah perhitungan nya sbb :
  1. - Anda menginginkan dana di kirim sukses hari yang sama dengan hari transfer ?
    jika iya : pastikan anda melakukan transfer sebelum jam 11 siang, persiapkan dana biaya express [value today] 80rb

    Anda menginginkan servis standar proses 2 - 3 hari, transfer sebelum jam 11 siang, dana biaya standar 50rb
  2. - Anda menginginkan dana yang di kirim jumlahnya tetap saat di terima oleh penerima ?, misal kirim USD 30 di terima juga USD 30
    jika iya : persiapkan biaya tambahan untuk servis Full Amount Transfer sebesar USD 25 [bilangnya ini adalah biaya untuk Intermediary Bank, mungkin kaya jasa perantara bank gitu dech]
    kalo tidak dana transfer anda akan otomatis terpotong USD 25, sehingga USD 30 berkurang menjadi USD 5 saat di terima supplier anda
  3. - Berapa Rate yang di pakai saat anda akan melakukan transfer, pakai indikator dari web resminya aja gan RATE JUAL klikBCA

nah saat telah sampai di BCA
Anda ambil slip yang bertuliskan [PERMOHONAN PENGIRIMAN UANG] (warna biru, paling besar), anda isi dahulu deh dengan data2 yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya, [kalo punya rekening di sini, sebaiknya sesuaikan data2 pengirim uang dengan data2 rekening anda, jaga2 bila proses transfer tidak sukses, maka otomatis uang akan di masukan ke rekening anda kembali]

berikan slip tersebut ke teller & bilang mau Remittance USD sebesar nilai USD anda ke tujuan anda. Anda akan ditanya apakah akan memakai service value today ?, apakah juga memakai service full amount recived ?

lalu anda akan ditanya transfer tersebut peruntukannya untuk apa oleh teller
jawab aja  yang sekiranya baik & masuk akal, kalau bisa jujur, asal ga buat beli narkoba aja.

setelah itu akan di berikan info rate dollar yang di pakai hari itu oleh BCA
setelah itu akan di hitung total uang yang harus disetor ke teller

lalu anda akan diminta untuk mengisi surat pernyataan yang telah di persiapkan oleh pihak BCA, sekaligus di bubuhkan materai dan tanda tangan anda [ku juga ga tau maksudnya, kirim uang kok pake surat pernyataan segala]

setelah proses selesai anda akan di beri copy dari slip yang telah diisi tadi

sampai di rumah anda scan dah, copy dari slip yang diterima, lalu email deh ke supplier anda sebagai bukti bahwa anda telah transfer, bagi supplier yang baik, meskipun dana belum sampai, dengan bukti slip itu maka order anda akan segera di proses, tapi yah tergantung dari tingkat saling percaya yang udah anda bangun dengan supplier.

Biasa pembayaran antara T/T & Bank Transfer, di tawarkan oleh supplier, tapi kebanyakan supplier agak2 rekomendasikan ke T/T sedikit maksa gitu, ama kadang nakut2in klo mau pake Bank Transfer mereka bisa terima klo nominal nilai order harus di atas yang di rekomendasikan oleh mereka contoh : min USD 4000, tentu kita pasti milih T/T, karena belum tentu nilai order kita bisa sebesar minimal USD tersebut.

setelah ku telusuri, dengan sedikit2 loby2 gitu, ternyata, bank transfer mereka pakai sebagai opsi ke 2 karena sering kali, buyer ga transfer pake service full amounts sehingga di kurangi USD 25 dari nilai yang di haruskan, pemotongan dilakukan oleh intermediary bank, sehingga saat di terima supplier duitnya kurang deh, terpaksa supplier nalangin buat jaga reputasi dia ke buyer.

jadi kita tinggal jamin ke supplier klo kita pake service full amount, alias biaya intermediary bank kita yang tanggung

misal kita mau transfer USD 1000
Rate BCA JUAL 1 USD = IDR 9000
: IDR 9.000.000

biaya & lain-lain
service expres [value today] IDR 80.000 + Full amount USD 25 [IDR 225.000]+ Materai IDR 6000 = IDR 311.000

Total duit yang kita setor ke bank = IDR 9.311.000

enaknya bank transfer adalah : biaya & lain-lain nilainya akan tetap, meskipun nilai transfer kita besar sekalipun

kalau WU
di bawah IDR 700.000 kena cas IDR 112.500
sekitaran IDR 7.000.000 s/d IDR 10.000.000 kena cas IDR 400.000 an
semakin tinggi nilai transfer bea WU semakin tinggi...jiahhh

KESIMPULAN : Jadi klo mau transfer jumlahnya kurang dari 700rebu lebih hemat via WU, klo lebih dari itu, mending bank transfer dah, di loby tuh supplier biar mau bank transfer, meskipun alasan nilainya terlalu kecil, sikat aja terus, klo ga deal mending cari supplier lain gan, banyak kok supplier yang mau.

Info Update :

Ane marin jumat 22 Oktober 2010 jam 10 siang
Transfer Remittance USD 750 via BCA Darmo sby ke Bank of China [Value Today : China Today & Full Amount Recive]
Rate BCA USD 1 = IDR 9050

Bea standar : IDR 50.000
Bea China Today : IDR 30.000
Nilai USD : IDR 6.787.500
Materai : IDR 6000

Total Setor ke Teller : IDR 6.873.500

process time : Jumat 22 Oktober 2010 | 10:19:40
Recived time : info dari supplier ane nich [Jumat 22 Oktober 2010 | 16:21:22]
Recived Amount : USD 750

Sukses... alhamdulillah

Senin, 19 September 2011


A spring is a device that changes its shape in response to an external force, returning to its original shape when the force is removed. The energy expended in deforming the spring is stored in it and can be recovered when the spring returns to its original shape. Generally, the amount of the shape change is directly related to the amount of force exerted. If too large a force is applied, however, the spring will permanently deform and never return to its original shape.


There are several types of springs. One of the most common consists of wire wound into a cylindrical or conical shape. An extension spring is a coiled spring whose coils normally touch each other; as a force is applied to stretch the spring, the coils separate. In contrast, a compression spring is a coiled spring with space between successive coils; when a force is applied to shorten the spring, the coils are pushed closer together. A third type of coiled spring, called a torsion spring, is designed so the applied force twists the coil into a tighter spiral. Common examples of torsion springs are found in clipboards and butterfly hair clips.
Still another variation of coiled springs is the watch spring, which is coiled into a flat spiral rather than a cylinder or cone. One end of the spring is at the center of the spiral, and the other is at its outer edge.
Some springs are fashioned without coils. The most common example is the leaf spring, which is shaped like a shallow arch; it is commonly used for automobile suspension systems. Another type is a disc spring, a washer-like device that is shaped like a truncated cone. Open-core cylinders of solid, elastic material can also act as springs. Non-coil springs generally function as compression springs.


Very simple, non-coil springs have been used throughout history. Even a resilient tree branch can be used as a spring. More sophisticated spring devices date to the Bronze Age, when eyebrow tweezers were common in several cultures. During the third century B.C., Greek engineer Ctesibius of Alexandria developed a process for making "springy bronze" by increasing the proportion of tin in the copper alloy, casting the part, and hardening it with hammer blows. He attempted to use a combination of leaf springs to operate a military catapult, but they were not powerful enough. During the second century B.C., Philo of Byzantium, another catapult engineer, built a similar device, apparently with some success. Padlocks were widely used in the ancient Roman empire, and at least one type used bowed metal leaves to keep the devices closed until the leaves were compressed with keys.
The next significant development in the history of springs came in the Middle Ages. A power saw devised by Villard de Honnecourt about 1250 used a water wheel to push the saw blade in one direction, simultaneously bending a pole; as the pole returned to its unbent state, it pulled the saw blade in the opposite direction.
Coiled springs were developed in the early fifteenth century. By replacing the system of weights that commonly powered clocks with a wound spring mechanism, clockmakers
A diagram depicting spring coiling done by a CNC machine.
A diagram depicting spring coiling done by a CNC machine.
were able to fashion reliable, portable timekeeping devices. This advance made precise celestial navigation possible for ocean-going ships.
In the eighteenth century, the Industrial Revolution spurred the development of mass-production techniques for making springs. During the 1780s, British locksmith Joseph Bramah used a spring winding machine in his factory. Apparently an adaptation of a lathe, the machine carried a reel of wire in place of a cutting head. Wire from the reel was wrapped around a rod secured in the lathe. The speed of the lead screw, which carried the reel parallel to the spinning rod, could be adjusted to vary the spacing of the spring's coils.
Common examples of current spring usage range from tiny coils that support keys on cellular phone touchpads to enormous coils that support entire buildings and protect them from earthquake vibration.

Raw Materials

Steel alloys are the most commonly used spring materials. The most popular alloys include high-carbon (such as the music wire used for guitar strings), oil-tempered low-carbon, chrome silicon, chrome vanadium, and stainless steel.
Other metals that are sometimes used to make springs are beryllium copper alloy, phosphor bronze, and titanium. Rubber or urethane may be used for cylindrical, non-coil springs. Ceramic material has been developed for coiled springs in very high-temperature environments. One-directional glass fiber composite materials are being tested for possible use in springs.


Various mathematical equations have been developed to describe the properties of springs, based on such factors as wire composition and size, spring coil diameter, the number of coils, and the amount of expected external force. These equations have been incorporated into computer software to simplify the design process.

The Manufacturing Process

The following description focuses on the manufacture of steel-alloy, coiled springs.


  • 1 Cold winding. Wire up to 0.75 in (18 mm) in diameter can be coiled at room temperature using one of two basic techniques. One consists of winding the wire around a shaft called an arbor or mandrel. This may be done on a dedicated spring-winding machine, a lathe, an electric hand drill with the mandrel secured in the chuck, or a winding machine operated by hand cranking. A guiding mechanism, such as the lead screw on a lathe, must be used to align the wire into the desired pitch (distance between successive coils) as it wraps around the mandrel.
    Alternatively, the wire may be coiled without a mandrel. This is generally done with a central navigation computer (CNC) machine.
    Examples of different types of springs.
    Examples of different types of springs.
    The wire is pushed forward over a support block toward a grooved head that deflects the wire, forcing it to bend. The head and support block can be moved relative to each other in as many as five directions to control the diameter and pitch of the spring that is being formed.
    For extension or torsion springs, the ends are bent into the desired loops, hooks, or straight sections after the coiling operation is completed.
  • 2 Hot winding. Thicker wire or bar stock can be coiled into springs if the metal is heated to make it flexible. Standard industrial coiling machines can handle steel bar up to 3 in (75 mm) in diameter, and custom springs have reportedly been made from bars as much as 6 in (150 mm) thick. The steel is coiled around a mandrel while red hot. Then it is immediately removed from the coiling machine and plunged into oil to cool it quickly and harden it. At this stage, the steel is too brittle to function as a spring, and it must subsequently be tempered.


  • 3 Heat treating. Whether the steel has been coiled hot or cold, the process has created stress within the material. To relieve this stress and allow the steel to maintain its characteristic resilience, the spring must be tempered by heat treating it. The spring is heated in an oven, held at the appropriate temperature for a predetermined time, and then allowed to cool slowly. For example, a spring made of music wire is heated to 500°F (260°C) for one hour.


  • 4 Grinding. If the design calls for flat ends on the spring, the ends are ground at this stage of the manufacturing process. The spring is mounted in a jig to ensure the correct orientation during grinding, and it is held against a rotating abrasive wheel until the desired degree of flatness is obtained. When highly automated equipment is used, the spring is held in a sleeve while both ends are ground simultaneously, first by coarse wheels and then by finer wheels. An appropriate fluid (water or an oil-based substance) may be used to cool the spring, lubricate the grinding wheel, and carry away particles during the grinding.
  • 5 Shot peening. This process strengthens the steel to resist metal fatigue and cracking during its lifetime of repeated flexings. The entire surface of the spring is exposed to a barrage of tiny steel balls that hammer it smooth and compress the steel that lies just below the surface.
  • 6 Setting. To permanently fix the desired length and pitch of the spring, it is fully compressed so that all the coils touch each other. Some manufacturers repeat this process several times.
  • 7 Coating. To prevent corrosion, the entire surface of the spring is protected by painting it, dipping it in liquid rubber, or plating it with another metal such as zinc or chromium. One process, called mechanical plating, involves tumbling the spring in a container with metallic powder, water, accelerant chemicals, and tiny glass beads that pound the metallic powder onto the spring surface.
    Alternatively, in electroplating, the spring is immersed in an electrically conductive liquid that will corrode the plating metal but not the spring. A negative electrical charge is applied to the spring. Also immersed in the liquid is a supply of the plating metal, and it is given a positive electrical charge. As the plating metal dissolves in the liquid, it releases positively charged molecules that are attracted to the negatively charged spring, where they bond chemically. Electroplating makes carbon steel springs brittle, so shortly after plating (less than four hours) they must be baked at 325-375°F (160-190°C) for four hours to counteract the embrittlement.
  • 8 Packaging. Desired quantities of springs may simply be bulk packaged in boxes or plastic bags. However, other forms of packaging have been developed to minimize damage or tangling of springs. For example, they may be individually bagged, strung onto wires or rods, enclosed in tubes, or affixed to sticky paper.

Quality Control

Various testing devices are used to check completed springs for compliance with specifications. The testing devices measure such properties as the hardness of the metal and the amount of the spring's deformation under a known force. Springs that do not meet the specifications are discarded. Statistical analysis of the test results can help manufacturers identify production problems and improve processes so fewer defective springs are produced.
Approximately one-third of defective springs result from production problems. The other two-thirds are caused by deficiencies in the wire used to form the springs. In 1998, researchers reported the development of a wire coilability test (called FRACMAT) that could screen out inadequate wire prior to manufacturing springs.
Computer-operated coiling machines improve quality in two ways. First, they control the diameter and pitch of the spring more precisely than manual operations can. Second, through the use of piezoelectric materials, whose size varies with electrical input, CNC coiling heads can precisely adjust in real time to measurements of spring characteristics. As a result, these intelligent machines produce fewer springs that must be rejected for not meeting specifications.

The Future

Demands of the rapidly growing computer and cellular phone industries are pushing spring manufacturers to develop reliable, cost-effective techniques for making very small springs. Springs that support keys on touchpads and keyboards are important, but there are less apparent applications as well. For instance, a manufacturer of test equipment used in semiconductor production has developed a microspring contact technology. Thousands of tiny springs, only 40 mils (0.040 in or 1 mm) high, are bonded to individual contact points of a semiconductor wafer. When this wafer is pressed against a test instrument, the springs compress, establishing highly reliable electrical connections.
Medical devices also use very small springs. A coiled spring has been developed for use in the insertion end of a catheter or an endoscope. Made of wire 0.0012 in (30 micrometers or 0.030 mm) in diameter, the spring is 0.0036 in (0.092 mm) thick—about the same as a human hair. The Japanese company that developed this spring is attempting to make it even smaller.
The ultimate miniaturization accomplished so far was accomplished in 1997 by an Austrian chemist named Bernard Krautler. He built a molecular spring by stringing 12 carbon atoms together and attaching a vitamin B12 molecule to each end of the chain by means of a cobalt atom. In the relaxed state the chain has a zigzag shape; when it is wetted with water, however, it kinks tightly together. Adding cyclodextrin causes the chain to return to its relaxed state. No practical application of this spring has yet been found, but research continues.

Where to Learn More


"Coil Spring Making Process—Automotive." Industrial Engineers and Spring Makers. http://www.ozemail.com (November 2000).
"H & R Spring Overview." http://www.hrsprings.com/abouthr.html (November 2000).
Silberstein, Dave. "How to Make Springs." http://home.earthlink.net/-bazillion/intro.html (November 2000).
— Loretta Hall

Read more: How springs is made - material, manufacture, making, history, how to make, used, composition, machine, History, Raw Materials, Design, The Manufacturing Process of springs http://www.madehow.com/Volume-6/Springs.html#ixzz1YO1yh8Ss
